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How to do a good job in daily maintenance of strong magnet

Nowadays, the scope of application of magnets in daily life is still relatively common. There are many types of magnets in the market, such as strong NdFeB magnet, permanent magnet ferrite, alnico magnet and so on. Nowadays, the performance of Nd-Fe-B powerful magnet is still relatively good, and it is still widely used in practice. A magnet is a powerful magnet.

Before manufacturing a magnet, there is no uniform and fixed shape of a solid magnet, and even when it becomes a magnet, it is not magnetic because the material of the magnet is not magnetic. For the shape of strong magnet, the shape of strong magnet can be produced only after artificial synthesis. For example: square strong magnet in strong magnet. Square magnet has a high probability in shape. Different materials have different effects on the daily maintenance of square magnet. In order to better protect the mechanical equipment of square strong magnet and the finished products of equal phase magnet, two points should be paid attention to.

1. Working environment

First of all, when using qingjingze strong magnet, we must pay attention to ensure that there is a very good environment around the magnet. Now the strong magnet still has great development potential in the market and is widely used. When the magnet works, it should be clean and tidy, because qingjingze strong magnet can not work normally in places with relatively poor environment. Because it is not able to adsorb iron filings or small particles, if the working environment is poor, the magnet will easily lose its magnetism, which will eventually lead to shortening its service life. Therefore, keeping the working environment clean is an important requirement for a strong magnet.

2. Indoor environment

This is another important point. Generally, when storing powerful magnets, pay attention to the indoor environment to ensure smooth indoor air, and you can't choose a wet place for storage. You must choose a dry environment. Strong magnet strong magnet has requirements not only for the working environment, but also for the indoor environment. Its indoor ambient temperature can not exceed the working temperature of the magnet. For those products that have not been electroplated, they can be properly oiled, so as to have the effect of rust prevention. When storing magnets, be sure to separate some sensitive magnets. And the storage environment should meet the standards.

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